• Retail

      Le soluzioni automatizzate sicure di trattamento del contante per i dettaglianti riducono il costo legato alle procedure con monete e banconote e migliorano l’efficienza operativa.

      Retail cash handling
    • Banca

      Soluzioni affidabili di gestione automatizzata del denaro contante, che supportano la trasformazione della tua filiale e riducono il tempo che il personale necessita per le attività connesse con il denaro contante.

      Banca soluciones gestión de efectivo
    • CIT

      Attraverso il marchio Sallén, sviluppiamo soluzioni per CIT e i loro partners, che migliorano, per i loro clienti, sia la qualità che la sicurezza nel loro utilizzo

      cit cash handling
  • Software
  • Cosa decono i nostri clienti
  • Servizio
    • Riguardo a noi
      Riguardo a noi

      Gunnebo Cash Management fornisce soluzioni automatizzate, software e servizi di gestione del contante per il retail, le banche e le società di trasporto valori

    • Cosa decono i nostri clienti
      Cosa decono i nostri clienti

      Come una gestione intelligente del contante può fare risparmiare nei costi, migliorare l’efficienza ed aumentare la sicurezza.

      Cosa dicono i nostri clienti
    • Sostenibilità

      Gunnebo mira a costruire un’attività sostenibile ed etica che riduca al minimo il nostro impatto sul pianeta.

    • Iscriviti per gli aggiornamenti
      Iscriviti per gli aggiornamenti

      Iscriviti alla nostra mailing list o al nostro blog e sii tra i primi a conoscere le nostre nuove soluzioni, i grandi eventi e gli input dei nostri esperti di cash management.

      Iscriviti per gli aggiornamenti | Gunnebo Cash Management
    • Contatto

      Vorremmo aiutarti a rendere il trattamento del denaro contante più economico e più efficiente. Mettiti in contatto oggi stesso con uno dei nostri espert

    • Servizi

      Il servizio di supporto ed assistenza fornito dagli esperti di in cash management di Gunnebo assicura che il tuo sistema automatizzato per la gestione del contante funzioni sempre in modo affidabile ed efficiente.

      Servizi di assistenza per il cash management
  • Live-Demo

COVID-19: Information for Gunnebo Cash Management Customers

Stay Safe, Calm and Supportive
At Gunnebo Cash Management, we are taking measures to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus as we aim to minimise the effect on our employees, customers, business partners, suppliers and society. We are of course following the recommendations issued by authorities and we have also updated our internal guidelines.

All Gunnebo employees who can work from home have been advised to do so. We have also taken extra precautionary measures for our factory employees as well as we are making sure that our installation and service teams can work safely.

Since many of you have businesses considered part of the critical infrastructure of society, we are dedicated to making the deliveries we have promised and are working in close cooperation with suppliers and partners to minimise any impact for you.

Gunnebo’s Group Executive Team has formed a task force and is closely monitoring, assessing and taking decisions about the impact that COVID-19 may have on the business in general as well as the supply chain.

All companies within the Gunnebo Group have been instructed to respond based on an agreed action plan which focuses on i) maintaining the wellbeing of our employees, ii) continuing to supply products and services, and iii) maintaining business continuity.
We are also following local laws and regulations, and are working closely with authorities and governmental bodies to make sure that we find flexible solutions to support you in carrying out functions that are important for society.

Questions About Orders or Deliveries

If you have any questions about orders or deliveries, please contact your Gunnebo representative for the latest information. If any items are unavailable, your Gunnebo representative will present the available alternatives. We are working hard to fulfill all your requests in a safe manner, but due to the extraordinary circumstances we currently experience, we might not always be able to fulfill every request.


Cash remains a popular and necessary method of payment, critical to society’s infrastructure.
As a retailer or bank, supporting cash payments and providing cash services during and after the COVID-19 pandemic means adjusting to the new normal in terms of hygiene standards.

The following posts on the Cash Management Blog offer advice about how to approach this:

How Retailers Can Reduce Cash Touchpoints
The Importance of Hygienic Cash Handling in Retail
How to Combine Cash Handling and Hygiene

How Banks Can Offer Retailers a Contactless Cash Deposit Service


News Related to the Use of Cash and COVID-19
Cash poses no particular risk of infection for public. The risk of picking up coronavirus via cash is extremely minimal. Article from German Bundesbank.


Bank of Canada asks retailers to continue accepting cash. Refusing cash could put an undue burden on people who depend on cash as a means of payment. Article from Bank of Canada.


Why consumers should be cautious, but not fearful of handling dollars. The chance of being infected after handling cash is still low, experts say, compared to other methods of potentially getting infected. Article from bankrate.com.


WHO did NOT say banknotes would transmit COVID-19. World Health Organisation makes statement after misrepresentation in British media. Article from marketwatch.com


Medical experts are speaking up for cash. Handling banknotes doesn’t pose a particular risk according to health experts. Article from cashmatters.org.


Likelihood of banknotes spreading coronavirus slim. Experts say banknotes are not likely to carry coronavirus. Article from euronews.com.